- Projects
- Scientific projects
- ricerca didattica ed insegnamenti scientifici
- by Prof. Giuseppe Sica
The forming of the Institute has taken place to the Department of Public Health Sciences “G. Sanarelli”, by University “La Sapienza” in Rome where the institutional
Organs have been named. At the moment they are so composed:
President: Prof. Pier Nicola Marasco, psychologist, psychiatrist, professor at University of Florence, past President of Psychologists Order.
Vice President: prof. Giuseppe Sica, professor at University of Pisa, expert of emergency psychology;
The Executive Commitee
The Scientific Commitee, directed by prof. Giuseppe Sica,
with the collaboration of dr. Andrea Paolinelli, collects competencies not only in psychology area and is formed by stranger colleagues too.
Among them we remember: prof. Ned Basic (University of Bihac’u), Giovanni Bechelloni (University of Florence), Pierluigi Consorti jurist of University of Pisa,
Gaetano Maria Fara, expert of disaster medicine at University “La Sapienza” of Rome, Adriano Mantovani, expert in veterinary medicine of disaster, Vincenzo
Mastronardi, psychopatologist at University “La Sapienza” of Rome, Cesare Pitto, cultural antropologist, expert of sismology and vulcanic emergence, Luigi Pellizzoni, professor at University of Udine and member of International Sociology Institute of Gorizia, Gaetano Pierpaolo Privitera director of the Speciality School for Hygiene and Prevention Medicine in University of Pisa and other experts as Commander of Fireman of Florence, ing. Giuseppe Romano.
The executive commitee
- Marasco Prof. Pier Nicola (founding associate) - president
- Paolinelli dr. Andrea
- Sica prof. Giuseppe (founding associate)
Collegio dei Probiviri
- Bavasso dr.ssa Elisabetta - presidente
- Cicconi dr. PierMario
- Gremignai ragionier Donatella
Ordinary associates
- Centro Studi Platone Onlus ONG - Annunziata Claudia, Padovani Viola Valeria
- MASCI di Pisa - Genovese Dario
- Perazza dr.ssa Diana (socia onoraria)
- VIR Consulenza srl - Ramirez dr.ssa Silvia
The scientific commitee
- Basic Prof. Ned - centri - klikni
- Bechelloni Prof. Giovanni
- Brunori Prof.ssa Luisa, CIRIG
- Consorti Prof. Pierluigi
- Fara Prof. Gaetano Maria
- Guazzelli Prof. Mario
- Luciani prof. Luciano
- Mantovani Prof. Adriano
- Masci Francesco
- Mastronardi Prof. Vincenzo
- Minnaja dr. Nicola
- Paolinelli dr. Andrea - vicedirettore
- Pitto Prof. Cesare
- Pellizzoni Prof. Luigi - ISIG
- Privitera Prof. Gaetano Pierpaolo
- Romano ing. Giuseppe - Convenzione quadro UniPI-CNVVF
- Ronci dr. Nicola
- Scatolini prof. Ezio, TTG
- Sica prof. Giuseppe (socio fondatore) - direttore
- Staino arch. Sergio